Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Liver cancer what can i do to help?

My grandfather is eighyone years old. And 2 days ago he went to the hospital for health screening and the doc found a bump on his liver. more test were done and it is believed to be liver cancer. it should be in the second stage now. with some lumps at the intestines.
being a teenager. im feeling very scared and hopeless. what can i do? is there any cure? and how much longer does he have?
btw he is living in another country.
The best thing to do is honor HIS wishes. You may want him to 'beat the illness.' He may feel that he's lived a full life and is 'ready to go,' Whatever anyone believes, any treatment decisions are about HIM. I need to preface that by saying that there are cultures in which children make decisions for elderly parents.It is also important to include him in discussions; unless he's abdicated a role in treatment, he needs to be included, to feel part of the family. There's probably nothing worse than feeling "there's an elephant in the room" and no one is talking about it.That having been said, you mentioned your feelings, too. They are real; and I don't think your grandfather would want you to hide them. If you can't talk to him, talk to your parents. If you see you grandfather, let him know your feelings; don't hide them, unless your parents are adamant about not talking with him. In my experience, it's cultural; since he's overseas,
try a completley raw food diet. eat nothing but what nature intended and drink only water.
I think this is something you need to discuss with your parents and your grandfather. His wishes need to be looked at first then everyone else has a need to consider under his.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (hepatoma) usually occurs in patients with cirrhosis and is common in areas where infection with hepatitis B and C viruses is prevalent. Symptoms and signs usually are nonspecific. Diagnosis is based on 伪鈥慺etoprotein (AFP) levels, imaging tests, and sometimes liver biopsy. Screening with periodic AFP measurement and ultrasound is sometimes recommended for high-risk patients. Prognosis is grim, but small localized tumors can sometimes be cured by surgical resection or liver transplantation.
tell him not to drink, and avoid lipids
I believe the doctor in charge would have offerred some solutions and treatments for your grandfather. It is going to be a painful process. You can help him and your family by reducing the exposure of toxic chemical in your family's daily lives starting from home.
Treatment is one thing, prevention is another. Anyway, there's no 100% sure of cancer will goes off.
Essiac Tea!There are many sources, here is one: Try things to go with conventional treatments like:.
:http://www.herbalhealer.com/essiac.html.Also, consider http://www.regaininghealthnaturally.com/...http://curezone.com/foods/laetrile.html.
Someone around me used to have kidney failure %26 need to clean his kidney weekly.. To us, we thought that nothing can do to improve the situation already but later a nutritionist suggested him to take food supplements. After a few months, he feel very energtic %26 after a year, he doesnt need to clean his kidney anymore. His kidney can function on its own now.. You can let your grandfather try food supplements, it may help! There are such cases in the USA too..

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