Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Looking for home remedy for allergies, other than staying indoors, with the windows closed!?

Why not try homeopathy. For example, if you are allergic to pollens, there is a remedy you can try called 'Mixed Pollens'. It's based on the theory that like cures like and a very tiny dose of the Mixed Pollens will kickstart your immune system to help fight the allergen naturally. You may need to consult a registered homeopath as he will be able to assess you and make sure you have the right remedy for you. It will help your general overall wellbeing.
Salt water nasal rinse.
Try chamomile tea; it supposed to work immediately and in long term as well. Currently I am trying to see if any other people share the same experience. Please try and leave your feedback. The link is also helpful.
Saline nose drops. Get plenty of exercise and rest. Sitting around is worst. Wear a face mask when out side during dusty or high pollen counts. Breathing the moist air helps too. Green tea and deep breathing exercises done daily early am . Chamomile teas and peppermint (even tho' they say don't use peppermint) and echinacea tea work wonders. Don't eat foods that have preservatives in them or fried foods- if you cook it at home it fills the air with impossible to breath smoke and grease.
I hear ya. I put the AC on today because I cannot deal with the pollen. I wish I could enjoy the nice day outside! :(This sounds weird, but when my allergies were REALLY bad yesterday I layed down with a wet washcloth on my face..lol...it worked! That's if your desperate I suppose (like i was yesterday until i got my allegra d rx refilled)Try some tea w/honey to calm an itchy/sore throat. drinks lots of water. That's all i can think of for home remedies!Feel better! I feel your pain!
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