Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lou Gehrig's Disease?

Hi. My grandmother was diagnosed with ALS a little over 2 years ago and I know that the life expectancy rate is 2-5 years is there a possiblilty that she will live longer than expected (shes only 59)
Unfortunately, the progression of ALS is fairly predictable. There are a few cases of recovery from ALS or slower progression than normal (Steven Hawking comes to mind), but these are often cases where the diagnosis is debatable.There has been a new medication approved by the FDA that may slow down progression by a few months, but as yet there is no other specific treatment.Bear in mind, however, that death usually results from complications due to inadequate breathing, specifically pneumonia. Although the progression of symptoms is consistent, whether someone gets pneumonia is obviously less predictable, and as such, is care is taken with her breathing (i.e. assistive ventilators, good hygeine), it might help her live longer.Best wishes, and i will keep you family in my thoughts.
Life expectancy is calculated on Patients age, diagnosed age, date to time of death date. However we may all have the same conditions, but that does not come with a time of death. Yes a good chance she will live longer than expected and I would enjoy having her around, as she might just get run over tomorrow, so much for life expectancy rates.

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