Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Looking for Anorexia/Bulimia/Cutting Statistics and whether the stats are up or down throughout the years.?

I need to know whether these disorders are increasing, or decreasing and by how much since.I guess around the 50's until the present. It has to be a good source, and I'm finding excellent sources, but nothing I can work with. I don't need a definition of the disorders, or how to look for them, I just need stats throughout these years.
The problem with your question---have ED's and cutting increased over the years---is that we do not know exact numbers. It is likely that ED's and cutting are reported more frequently now than in past decades (beause they are more widely known, and there is slightly less shame associated with them than say, in the 1950's). That said, the # of cases reported today are still fairly low due to many people not reporting them...Here are some statistics from various credible sources.From The Renfrew Center:
* 0.5-1% of adolescents have anorexia nervosa
* 2-3% of adolescents have bulimia nervosaLifetime Prevalence
* 0.5-3.7% of females suffer from anorexia nervosa
* 1.1-4.2% of females suffer from bulimia nervosa
* 2-5% of males and females suffer from binge eating disorder
* 4.5% females, 0.4% males report bulimia in first year of college Source: APA Work Group on Eating Disorders, 2000
http://www.renfrewcenter.com/From the Academy of Eating Disorders:
路 Between 0.3-1 percent of young women have anorexia nervosa, which makes anorexia as common as autism
路 Around 1-3 percent of young women have bulimia nervosa
路 Around 3 percent of the population has binge eating disorder
路 Many more suffer from some, but not all, of the symptoms of anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. Between 4 percent and 20 percent of young women practice unhealthy patterns of dieting, purging, and binge-eating.
-A national (UK) survey of children and adolescents carried out in the community found that 5% of boys and 8% of girls aged 13-15 said that they had, at some time, tried to harm, hurt or kill themselves.
-A study carried out in schools found that 11% of girls and 3% of boys aged 15 and 16 anonymously reported they had harmed themselves in the previous year.
http://www.selfharm.org.uk/media/statist...Hope this helps. Good luck!
I'm sorry I can't be of much help, but one thing I do know (being a cutter myself) is that the statistics of how many people self injure is extremely hard to say. Since you probably already know, it can be very easy to hide for years and not everyone surveyed on the topic will tell the truth, therefore, no one ever knows for sure how many people do it.

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