Saturday, October 31, 2009

Laxatives have not worked for my constipation? I have not used the bathroom in 6 days at all?? im only 18 yrs

I would suggest going to a doctor pronto. You could have an obstruction of some kind or other bowel problem. While you are there asked to be screened for food allergies or something called Celiac Disease.
What is Celiac Disease?Celiac disease (CD) is a genetic disorder. In people with CD, eating certain types of protein, called gluten, sets off an autoimmune response that causes damage to the small intestine. This, in turn, causes the small intestine to lose its ability to absorb the nutrients found in food, leading to malnutrition and a variety of other complications.The offending protein, gluten, is found in wheat, barley, rye, and to a lesser extent, oats (WBRO). Related proteins are found in triticale, spelt, kamut. Refer to grains and flours Glossary for a more extensive list of both safe and offending grains.
Celiac Disease is: * a genetic, inheritable disease.
* linked to genetically transmitted histocompatibility cell antigens (HLA DR3-DQ2, DR5/7 DQ2, and DR4-DQ8).
* COMMON. Approximately 1 in 133 people have CD, however, only about 3% of these have been diagnosed. This means that there are over 2.1 million undiagnosed people with celiac disease in the United States.
* characterized by damage to the mucosal lining of the small intestine which is known as villous atrophy.
* responsible for the malabsorption of nutrients resulting in malnutrition.
* linked to skin blisters known as dermatitis herpetiformis (DH).
* not age-dependent. It may become active at any age.Return to topCeliac Disease is NOT: * simply a food allergy.
* an idiosyncratic reaction to food proteins (mediated by IgE).
* typified by a rapid histamine-type reaction (such as bronchospasm, urticaria, etc.).Return to topThe Damaging ProteinsThe term "gluten" is, in a sense, a generic term for the storage proteins that are found in grains. In reality, each type of protein - gliadin in wheat, secalin in rye, hordein in barley, avenin in oats, zein in corn and oryzenin in rice - is slightly different from the others. The "gluten" in wheat, rye, barley, and in a much lower amount, oats, contains particular amino acid sequences that are harmful to persons with celiac disease. The damaging proteins are particularly rich in proline and glutamine (especially the amino acid sequences which are in the following orders: Pro-Ser-Gln-Gln and Gln-Gln-Gln-Pro). As peptides, some such as 33-MER, cannot be broken down any further. In people with celiac disease, 33-MER stimulates T-cells to produce antibodies. The antibodies, in turn, attack the villi in the small intestine, reducing their ability to absorb nutrients. It is important to note that these sequences are NOT found in the proteins of corn and rice.Return to topThe Nature of the InjuryThe damage to the small intestine (the jejunum) caused by this disease is very slow to develop and is insidious. It is: * almost certainly mediated by the immune system.
* associated with ANTIBODIES to gliadin, reticulin and/or endomysial (smooth muscle) proteins.
* probably not directly caused by the antibodies, though they may be signals for cell-mediated immunity.
* probably produced by the cellular immune system (T cells) - but only when gluten-type prolamins are present.
* reversible, in most cases, to completely normal bowel function, if the injurious protein is excluded from the diet.Return to topHow Does One "Catch" Celiac Disease?Celiac disease cannot be "caught," but rather the potential for CD may be in the body from birth. Its onset is not confined to a particular age range or gender, although more women are diagnosed than men. It is not known exactly what activates the disease, however three things are required for a person to develop CD: * A genetic disposition: being born with the necessary genes. The Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) genes specifically linked to celiac disease are DR3, DQ2 and DQ8.
* A trigger: some environmental, emotional or physical event in one鈥檚 life. While triggering factors are not fully understood, possibilities include, but are not limited to adding solids to a baby鈥檚 diet, going through puberty, enduring a surgery or pregnancy, experiencing a stressful situation, catching a virus, increasing WBRO products in the diet, or developing a bacterial infection to which the immune system responds inappropriately.
* A diet: containing WBRO, or any of their derivatives.Return to topSummaryCeliac disease is life-long and currently incurable. The only known treatment at this time is strict adherence to a gluten-free lifestyle, free of WBRO.
I would suggest going to your doctor to see if he/she can prescribe some medication that will help you go.
Your going to have to go to the Dr.
If you don't you'll poison yourself and could die.
No kidding...
get this stuff
it WILL work - doctor recommended !
Try eating a lot of fiber and drink water. Drinking fluids is the key to bowel movements. Also, try stool softeners if you have difficulty with BM. If you do not go within 8 days, see a doctor.
Have you tried a Fleet's enema? If you have impacted stool, laxatives will only give you a stomach ache.
I had the same thing happen to me. I went to the emergency room becasue I was scared there was something wrong. The ER prescribed a stool softner AND a laxitive. They do sell this in one pill, just ask your local pharmacist. Also, they had me do a Fleet Enema. This is one you administer your self and it is very easy. Sounds gross, but it works. The doctor in the ER took an x-ray of my stomache and intestines and my "tubes" were full so i needed the enema. They do this x-ray to look for blockages. If this doesn't work in a day , I'd go to the ER or call your doctor. Hope this helps!
If you have had this re-ocurring issue, you are not drinking enough water. I had a friend that would go for 3-4 days before having a movement. I advised her to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day and stop drinking the coffee and tea. She did and within 1 day, she was calling me and had regular movements every since then. WATER, it is a miracle.
STOP THE LAXATIVES. Laxatives can cause more problems than good. I have had 17 colon blockages from August of 2006 till January of 2007. I ended up having colitis and gastritis, both diagnosed after a colonoscopy and a endoscopic procedure. I did the laxatives and fleet enemas with no luck. I would have to be hospitalized for 3-4 days at a time, no food until the blockages would pass. I finally had a doctor who practices regular western medicine but also alternative medicine. I had to increase my water to ONE GALLON A DAY (sometimes more--a gallon and one half). Second, I increased my fiber, one tablespoon a day (do not use fiber one or Metamucil that stuff can get lodged in your colon). Try Baltone dietary fiber formula (it contains organic flax seed, psyllium seed--but it's so fine like a powder it doesn't get stuck in the wrinkles of your colon), oat fiber, apple pectin and slippery elm bark powders, natural pineapple and peppermint flavors). Then I would take Ultra InflamX it helps with lots of colon problems. I would also recommend a colonic, that really helped my colon and constipation problems. Make sure the person is certified in Hydrotherapy. My doctor was Leary at first until they saw a improvement in my colon function.
Stay away from sugary foods (they constipate), cheese, dairy, processed foods. Try oat bran rather than oatmeal it produces bulk in your colon.
My colonic specialist also made me buy a stool to set my feet on when I go to the bathroom. When your knees are elevated above your hips it makes stools pass easier (weird but it works). Also don't strain to go you can develop diverticulitis from doing so (I did). I read a magazine to keep me from straining on the toilet and it works. Also sit on the toilet at the same time every day even if you don't poo. It trains your colon believe it or not. I know how awful you feel physically. I would get head aches, joint pain and muscle soreness from all the toxins building up in my body from the constipation.
Please follow a few if not all my recommendations. I know from personal experience. Any questions, don't hesitate to email me. Please, drink the gallon of water, if anything do that. Buy the pre-package gallon containers. That way you know that you certainly drank that gallon for the day. Also drinking a 8oz. glass every five mins. until you poo works. Relax on the toilet. Good luck my friend.

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