Saturday, October 31, 2009

Left Flank Pain?

I've been hainvg left flank pains. It starts where my lower ribs end and toward my back. It hurts to take a deep breath in and take a complete breath out. I'm like gasping for air because my side hurts so much. It hurts when I stretch my left side and it hurts to lean toward my left flank. It just started hurting one day while I was doing homework. And later, I notice that my breathing wasn't good either; I'm like talking half-breath in and half-breath out. The pain spreads to where my spleen is and where my left kidney is to the back. It hurts to touch where my spleen is and where my left kidney is. And my left lower ribs are sore. I don't know why and I haven't reached any trauma to neither of my left flank nor ribs. I don't know what I should do. I can't find any reasons to why I am having these pains and I can't fix my posture to neither sides because it hurts. Please no mean answers to this. Thanks for all your guys' help because they are much appreciated. Sarah ^_^
Your major concern is the difficulty you have breathing. This symptom could be a sign of respiratory illness such as pneumonia or infection. It is best to seek medical help and have x-rays of your chest and back.
Flank pain is also a sign of a kidney infection. Any trouble with pain or burning when urinating?
There are several things that could be causing your pain, and none are any fun.
Kidney stone, kidney infection, urinary tract infection, blockage in the ureters...
Ulcer, colitis, diverticulitis...
Pneumothorax...Pain like that needs a professional opinion. Please see your doctor or emergency room ASAP.
Read the "dehydration" website. 6-8 glasses of pure water is highly recommended for the body. Take 2 tbls. of heinz apple cider vinegar in a glass of water 3 x day for its 93 vitamins and minerals. Vinegar has cured my depression, anxiety, anger and has energized me. Ancient warriors drank vinegar to give them strength.
flank pain is related to kidney problem, either infection or kidney stone. u have to go see a doctor for antibiotics
I used to get this during my 20's, but haven't for years. It sounds like plurasy. It is an infection of the lining of the lung, the plura. Used to get it when I had little colds. Takes antibiotics to clear up. Hope this helps.
I had flank pain once, It was pain in my back but it was not back pain I found out it was flank pain which is pain in the middle of the back, At first I could not move, I laid on my back and waited , and after a while it was gone, forever, I was so concerned because it was kind of strange, so I tried to find answers and believed that it was a stone in my kidneys, looking back I think my flank pain had something to do with me doing exercise wrong, I hurt my back somehow.

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